Andre Peltier's Classes

Here, students can find updated information about all of my classes

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Mark Jackson: "The Liberl Arts - A Practicle View"

Here is the link for the reading assigned for class on Tuesday morning. "The Liberal Arts: A Practical View" by Mark Jackson. Write a comparison between it and Ehrenreich's "Premature Pragmatism" from Thursday's class.Explain how they view college studies and what they see as the goal.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Premature Pragmatism

Here is the link to Barbara Ehrenreich's essay, "Premature Pragmatism". For Thursday, read it and explain in a page and a half her main point. Use quotations and paraphrasing to back up your essay.

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Fall 2012

With the fall semester right around the corner, I've uploaded the syllabi so you can view them on line.
English 121
Lit 160
Lit 201

Here is the link to my Google Docs Page. You my need to have a gmail account to view it.